Monday, July 5, 2010


Woke up this morning and headed out to meet some friends in Saomori?Park. It was a gaijin party of about 50 people or so.

I got there and it was sweltering hot, and 100% humidity. I really didn't think I could stay hahaha. After meeting everyone and having some drinks however, it started to cloud up and cool down a bit.

It was nice meeting a lot of foreigners, most of which were Australian and American, living here in Japan. I guess about 90% of them are English teachers after talking to them. I guess I feel pretty fortunate that I never had to do that. I'm more of an IT geek. :P

Sorry that I didn't get any pictures of the day, but it was hot enough that I just felt like sitting in the shade and drinking heavily hahaha. Mebe next time eh :)

I'm really impressed with all of the parks and things here in Japan. It's really beautiful here. The green, and flowers, especially the Ajisai really makes you feel in touch with Nature.

I know so many people that come to Japan and just hang out in the city. From a foreign perspective, we usually think of Tokyo as City lights, electronics, and whatnot, but from a Texan perspective and coming from the country, I really like the countryside of Japan.

Now when I think of Japan, I think of the beauty of the countryside, and not so much the city life. I would highly recommend that anyone coming to Japan, take enough time to see the REAL Japan, and visit the Oceanside, the parks, and the Mountains.

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