Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tokyo Jungle

I went out foolishly this weekend to camping. It was SO hot. It's a bit of a misnomer to say Tokyo Jungle, unless you are talking about the concrete jungle. Oh, don't get me wrong, there are some AWESOME parks in Tokyo area but they are far from the jungle.

No, I mean the jungle, wilderness, etc. MAN AND NATURE. I determined this one important rule. If you bring any vanity into the jungle and try to maintain your composure or your whatever, you will die. Once coming to this realization, that I had forgotten, the jungle blessed me with it's riches and let me live.

It caressed me in it's glacial rivers and cool lagoons, it spoke to me in the rhythms of the earth and I felt it's pulse. I wondered how far MAN has gotten off the beaten track and forgotten how to live.

I used to do this all the time until I was maybe 25. I feel I had gotten soft in recent years. Now I know it's like riding a bike. You never forget.

Now I feel all man-ish again, and it's back to my computer job, but today I felt good, know I'm yet invincible and I've conquered not one continents' jungle but 2.

BTW.. the wilderness in Japan is absolutely stunning. I highly recommend it to anyone.

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